When an Influencer's Conversational AI clone got carried away

For anyone interested in the Conversational AI domain, I recommend reading this article from The Conversation.
It details the experiences of an influencer called Caryn Marjorie who was one of the first to 'upload' herself (audio, content) to create a Conversational AI that fans could interact with for $1 per minute.
It was apparently very successful:
In 2023, Marjorie released a “digital version” of herself. Fans could chat with CarynAI for US$1 per minute – and in the first week alone they spent US$70,000 doing just that. Less than eight months later, Marjorie shut the project down. Marjorie had anticipated that CarynAI would interact with her fans in much the same way she would herself, but things did not go to plan.
But things didn't go to plan. Have a read.
You can also find a lot more background in this LA Times article.
I've included this one here on Conversational AI News because I think it's warranted from a general interest standpoint in terms of what the technology is capable of and how others are using it.