Newton will run the boring bits of your Dental Practice with Conversational AI

Any kind of 'practice' - veterinary, doctor, dental - has the same sort of repetitive challenges that are ripe for a bit of a transformation.
The back-and-forth messing about with appointment setting is a great example.
Just think about the time and effort used doing this every single business day in every single dental practice around the world.
Which is where Newton comes in.
I wrote a little while ago Dodo (the equivalent to Newton, but for Vets) and therefore I'm not surprised to see the launch of Newton at all.
It does make sense to focus on specific domains just so the various AI technology can be focused on the particular phrases and needs of dentistry compared to say vets or medical doctors.
Here's how Newton helps:
- Automated appointment management: Sophia monitors arrivals over phone and text. She seamlessly reschedules patients that can’t make their appointment and manages a waitlist in real-time to keep chairs full.
- Targeted Patient Engagement: Customers use Newton to build custom patient lists based on appointments, treatments, and insurance—and launch AI-powered campaigns on them to boost reactivation
- 24/7 Phone and Text Support: Sophia's around-the-clock availability means no more missed or dropped calls. She handles calls on her own or escalates to staff with context when needed.
- Online AI Chat & Forms: Customers can embed Newton's AI on their website to streamline patient acquisition—automatically collecting insurance and intake details from start to finish.
Here's the obligatory YouTube video:
I do find it interesting that the team at Newton have decided to focus on it being a "VOIP system" rather than Conversational AI. I think that might be a slightly easier sell to practice managers, provided they've got half-a-clue about what VOIP means. Here's how they're presenting that argument and comparison:

I wouldn't be surprised if these kinds of systems begin to extend into managing the whole job lot of operational demands of your dental practice including billing, staff management, accounts and so on.
Newton (and those like it) is not necessarily good news if your planned career was to be a dental practice receptionist.
I don't see anything about pricing but I'd imagine it will be something like a per-month service plan - although the lack of pricing suggests to me that they might be aiming to price the service as a meaningful percentage of an average human receptionist salary, per month, and then use these metrics (below) to evidence the ROI for the practice manager.

Equally, is a "VOIP system" more 'expensive' in the minds of a practice manager, than an AI chatbot? I think it practices might be prepared to pay more if it's pitched and presented that way.
But: I don't know. I'm just speculating.
Either way, it's great to see how Newton is presenting this offering.
Nice work Team Newton!