Kore.ai's David Schreffler discusses Conversational AI

I came across this interview by ET Insights last week with David Schreffler from Kore.ai. David is the company's General Manager of International.
If you'd like to get some perspective on what the team at Kore.ai are thinking, it's definitely worth a read. Here's a sample question and answer from the interview:
1. We would like to know your thoughts on conversational AI and generative AI, which is transforming the enterprise space. What is your view on that?
Well, the two have really come together very nicely. At first, it’s like, oh, well, coming from conversational AI, is this generative thing going to eradicate the need for conversational AI platforms? But as it’s turned out, not only has it really cemented the need for conversational AI platforms, but then the combination between the two are delivering far superior customer experiences, and experiences in general, not just for customers, but for employees as well. So, together, it’s really accelerating the delivery of great experiences.
Read the full article at ET Insights here.
You can find David on LinkedIn here: